Capture more photos, record more Full HD videos, and play more music on your mobile phone with reliable SanDisk microSDHC mobile memory cards. By adding more memory to your mobile phone, you can transport and store more photos, Full HD videos and music - so you can get the most out of your mobile phone. Do more with SanDisk mobile memory cards.
Key Features
Capture more photos
Record more video on the go, even in Full HD
Play more of your favorite music
Share more of your favorite photos and videos with your friends and family
Organize and transfer your photos, videos and music with included SanDisk® Media Manager software
How does the SanDisk® microSDHC™ Memory Card compare? SanDisk offers a wide range of performance levels in its Memory Cards, each designed to meet a different range of customer needs. If the SanDisk® microSDHC™ Memory Card doesn't offer the right solution for you, here are some alternatives for you to explore.
Package Includes: 1 x SanDisk Micro SD Card
3 month return Warranty